Club Recruitment Procedures
26th February 2024
The General Approach to Recruitment in GLTC is set out below.
Galway Lawn Tennis Club relies heavily on the time and commitment freely given by
volunteers as well as paid staff. Without this, the opportunities for children and adults to
participate in tennis, badminton and squash would not exist.
This Recruitment Procedures document sets out how the need for and encouragement of
volunteer participation in our programmes is balanced against the obligation to take all
reasonable steps to ensure the well-being of all our members including our junior members.
We trust that potential volunteers will appreciate the obligation on the club to satisfy itself
that all those volunteering fully understand the role which they are taking on and the
responsibilities attaching to that role. In addition, it is reasonable that those with substantial
access to children in our care provide the kind of information that is essential in assessing
somebody’s suitability for quite responsible positions.
We hope that potential volunteers will provide any requested information in the overall spirit
of the club’s commitment and obligations to safeguarding children. Similarly, staff employed
or contracted by the club will be expected to provide the necessary information and to give
the required undertakings in regard to their dealings with club members. Responsibility for
collecting this information from volunteers or job applicants will rest with the person hiring
that volunteer or job applicant. In essence the following “hirers” will have responsibility for
the following areas:
Rackets Admin / Manager – all coaches
Club Manager – all staff (bar, kitchen, grounds)
President – all officers of the club and such other committee members as are deemed to have
substantial access to children
Chairperson of the Junior Tennis Committee – all members of that committee, camp /
tournament supervisors
The Specific Recruitment Procedures
Galway Lawn Tennis Club will ensure good recruitment procedures by utilizing some or all
of the following starting June 2023
▪ Clearly defining the duties and responsibilities associated with each position (both
voluntary and paid) within the club.
▪ Insisting that anybody volunteering for any voluntary position or applying for any paid
position within the club which may involve substantial access to children completes the
application form attached (see Appendix 1).
▪ Obtaining proof of identity of each person applying through the procedure involved in
the Garda vetting process.
▪ Where necessary obtaining the individual’s signed permission to enable Tennis Ireland /
Badminton Ireland / Squash Ireland to request a check from the Garda vetting service.
▪ In the case of those who will have substantial access to children.
o Assessing the individual’s experience of working with children or young people
and knowledge of child protection issues.
o Assessing their commitment to promoting good practice.
o Assessing their ability to communicate with children. (i.e., be approachable).
▪ This assessment will be done in the way most appropriate to the position.
▪ Where considered necessary obtaining written references.
▪ By providing suitable induction and, where considered appropriate, setting a probationary
▪ Requiring all volunteers and paid staff to provide undertakings to abide by the Code of
Conduct relevant to their particular position.
The information provided will be reviewed and signed off by the Club Manager and where
appropriate, by the Committee.
As a result of the Club’s Risk Assessment, the following is a table which sets out the various
criteria that the club decided needs to be complied with by Committee members, paid staff
and volunteers deemed to have substantial access to children.

Support and Training
Following the successful recruitment process all leaders should receive some form of
induction training;
• Receiving information about Badminton Ireland, Tennis Ireland and Squash Ireland and the
Affiliated Bodies policies and procedures, as well as the GLTC policies
• All committee members, coaches and parents/guardians should must have received training
to minimum Safeguarding Level 1 (ROI)
• Any required training and support should be put in place where possible.
The induction training process helps to minimise the unintentional risk to children through
lack of understanding and knowledge.
New Volunteers or Staff members
Please see the table below:

All information provided to Galway Lawn Tennis Club under the requirements of these
recruitment procedures will be kept strictly confidential. Only those involved in the
recruitment of the volunteer / applicant and the Clubs Children’s Officers will have access to
this information. Electronic as well as hard copies of the information will be retained by the
club. Hard copy information will be kept by the Club General Manager in a locked storage