Photography & the use of Images Policy

26th February 2024

The Filming and Photography Policy provides assistance for club members on taking and
using appropriate images. This Policy is not about preventing parents/ guardians and
supporters from taking pictures, but rather to ensure that only those who have a right to take
photographs do so. This Policy is designed to promote safeguards for any photographic or
filming/video activity to minimise the risk of inappropriate taking and use of images.


• Event: may include competition, training session, social function or any activity
organised at any level of Tennis.
• Image: refers to all photographic and film/video footage.
• Responsible person: may include the children’s officer, head coach, event manager,
event controller or facility manager at an event.
• Young people: refers to all people U18; whilst this guidance is designed to minimise
risk to U18’s this guidance should be used to minimise risks for all players of any age.

Permission to take images

Permission is sought by the Club to ensure that young people and parents/carers are aware of
when and how their images may be used. Permission can be obtained through:

• Individual permission where permission is sought for a single or specific event and
has not been sought generally through membership/competition entry/other contract

• General permission granted through completion of membership/competition
entry/other contract where permission is included as part of the form.

For third party photographers, film/videographers or other organisations employed to take
images each person must complete the Self-Declaration Form. For any other person wishing
to use photographic devices at events they must first register their device with the organiser.
Each person registering a device will be required to produce photographic identification as
proof of identity.

Taking images in certain environments

Galway Lawn Tennis Club members and third party photographers, film/videographers or
other organisations shall ensure that images are not taken in such environments considered
inappropriate irrespective of any permission sought. In certain cases it may be an offence to
take such images. Taking images using any type of equipment is banned in an area where
people are changing or would normally expect their privacy to be recognised. Examples of
such areas would include:

• Changing rooms
• Open changing areas such as ‘villages’
• Individual changing/private cubicles provided for personal use
• Toilets
• Medical/Physio treatment rooms

Flash photography is prohibited in an environment where any performance may be affected
or there is the potential for its use to cause harm to the young person.

Types of appropriate images

Only appropriate images of children should be used, for example:
• Posed images such as during trophy ceremonies, presentations or team shots where
young people must be wearing t-shirt and shorts/tracksuits.
• Action shots of young people where the focus is on the participation in the sport, not
the player.

Images of children should not be taken where the pose is inappropriate e.g. open legs;
bending over from behind, etc.

Safe use of images

Images can be taken for a variety of purposes, including for administration or personal use,
publicising the sport or aiding skill development. Anyone taking images should be aware of
action poses that may be inappropriate; these are not suitable for use/publication. Types of
images and appropriate use:

• Personal images – images taken by parents/guardians or other family members during
an event as a celebration of a young person’s attendance or achievement. This
includes the use of a professional photographer, with permission, taking images for
the personal use of those attending. Other people may be included in an image and we
expect parents/guardians and other family members to respect this by not distributing
images publicly.

• Training images – these are images or footage taken during a training session or
during an event specifically to aid the young person in the development of a skill or
technique. These images should be taken by a qualified coach or a person specifically
appointed by the young person’s coach. These images may be used as examples of
technique or mastery of a skill for teaching/coaching purposes and should not be
distributed outside this specific use.

• Media images – these are images taken by an individual from the media, i.e. TV,
newspaper, social media or professional photographer where the images are to be
used for publicity or promotion of the event or future events.

• Administration images – these are images taken for general administration purposes;
including images used for membership cards, competition entries and could also
include images that form part of an archive record.

Use of images on social media

Where images of young people are used on social media the person responsible for posting an
image must be aware of the potential for an image to be used inappropriately.

The following safeguards must be in place to protect young people:

• Personal details of a young person should not be included.
• Captions should be in keeping with the sport represented.
• The posting and any purpose should not breach the codes of conduct.
• The type of image should not breach guidance in this policy.

Storage of Images

Storage includes any image stored as a hard copy and/or electronically as a soft copy. This
includes images on social media, photographic archives, individual personal databases e.g.
personal cameras, phones, etc. How personal images are stored is the responsibility of
parents/guardians with their child/young person.

All other images should only be stored for defined and intended purposes e.g. membership,
promotion, and/or archiving.

• If storage of images is required, the images must only be stored for the length of time
for which they are needed
• If possible, avoid using the names of children, or any other identifying feature

Once images are no longer required, they must be properly destroyed. Digital images stored
on computer systems need to be fully deleted, including deletion from the cache memory
and/or temporary files.

Taking inappropriate images

If there is any concern about the nature of any image taken this should be reported to the
responsible person (in the club or event/activity) who will refer to the statutory authorities.
The concerned individual may also report their concern directly to the statutory authorities.
The contact details for the statutory authority can be found in the Club’s Safeguarding Policies and Procedures.

Non-authorised taking of images

If you are concerned about an individual taking images at an event this should be verbally
reported to the relevant responsible person. It may be necessary to report the non-authorised
taking of images to the appropriate statutory authorities.

The responsible person will identify the person and check if their device is registered for the
event. If not registered, the person must be asked to register their device, with appropriate
identification. If the person is not willing to register their device, they should be asked to
leave. Where the event is open to the public e.g., where only part of the facility is being used,
it will be necessary to report non-authorised taking of images to the club manager.

Inappropriate use of images

Where there is a concern about the use of images this should be reported to the responsible
person who will take appropriate action. This will include reporting the alleged use to:

• The parent/carer of any young person involved.
• The person responsible for posting the image.
• The media platform i.e., twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, print media etc.
• The statutory authorities.

Inappropriate use of images is a breach of this guidance and the code of conduct and may
result in a complaint/ disciplinary procedure against those involved in the Galway Lawn
Tennis Club. Where there is a concern about the publication of an image in local or national
newspapers you should contact the individual newspaper or the Press Council of Ireland and
the Office of the Press Ombudsman.

Mobile Devices

Mobile phones are often given to children for security, enabling parents to keep in touch and
make sure they are safe. However, there is a need to encourage responsible and secure use of
mobile phones by adults and Children/Young People. As a young person remember:

• If you receive an offensive photo, email or message, do not reply, save it, make a note
of times and dates and tell a parent or Safeguarding Officer within the Affiliated
• Be careful about who you give your phone number to and do not respond to
unfamiliar numbers
• Consult your parent/guardian and/or safeguarding officer in cases of bullying or
harassment on social media or via text
• Do not use the phone in certain locations; inappropriate use of your camera phone
may cause upset or offence to another person, e.g. changing rooms
• Treat your phone as you would any other valuable item so that you guard against theft
• Ensure you have a passcode on your device

Social Media Policy

Galway Lawn Tennis Club is committed to providing a sport environment which is
characterised by inclusiveness, fairness, effective communication and mutual respect. All
members and officials should keep in mind the overall values and principles of Galway Lawn
Tennis Club when using social media. We need to make sure that our online actions reflect
these values and are contrary to what Galway Lawn Tennis Club represents.


This Social Media and Photography Policy has been developed to inform our members about
using social media so people feel enabled to participate, while being mindful of the standards
expected by GLTC. It is important to have practical guidelines in place and to provide advice
all our members on using and interacting with social media channels. The contents provide
practical guidance to allow all parties to benefit from the use of social media, while
minimising potential risks and protecting everyone involved. The policy also outlines
guidelines for safe use of photographs and how this should be managed within our sports
context at our events and activities.


This social media policy applies to platforms including, but not limited to:

• Club’s Official website
• Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
• Video and photo- sharing websites or apps (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Flickr,
Vine, etc.)
• Blogs and micro-blogging platforms (e.g. Tumblr, WordPress, etc.)

Use of Social Media

Galway Lawn Tennis Club uses interactive online social media to share information, gather
feedback and create a dialogue of conversation and promote the activities of all activities
within the GLTC. We welcome feedback and ideas from all our members and will endeavour
to join the conversation where possible. However, we may not be able to reply individually to
all messages or comments received. This social media policy will be revised annually due to
the changing nature of the internet.

Any of the following comments or content that include the following on Galway Lawn
Tennis Club or Affiliated social media sites will be removed:

• Offensive or inappropriate comments
• Obscene or racist content
• Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language
• Comments that advertise commercial products or services
• Comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity